About Me


I’ll admit, I’m a random blogger. Hence my blog name, Of Words and Writing. Sometimes I write about writing, sometimes I throw a bunch of relative words together regarding something else entirely. If I’ve nothing meaningful to say, I’m not going to sit here filling up space and taking up your time. I’ll return when I should.

Therefore, on this site, you’ll find a more personal range of rumblings, from actual writing, to pets and pet health (my day job since 1998 is as a CVT- Certified Veterinary Technician), to kids, to commentary on what’s going on in the real world. I’m not as strict on here as I am when donning my professional author brain. Yes, brains are like hats, completely interchangeable.

Writing-wise, I’m a fantasy author. It’s fun and challenging and hyper-creative. To date, I’ve published my first novel, Red Moonglow on Snow, and recently had a short story included in the fantasy anthology Hero Lost: Mysteries of Death and Life. I’m currently working on getting Red’s follow-up finished and will update as I go. Day job and day life often win the competition for time, so it’s slower going than I’d prefer.

You can click on the menu tabs at the top of the page to read more about any of these topics. Ask questions! Comment! I enjoy getting to know everyone and understanding other views, or hearing that others may have experienced something similar.


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