Make It Better

This year has not started off well. Suni, my 12 year old pit bull, started limping right after Christmas. As there was no reason for it, I knew that it was cancer. Unfortunately my fear was correct. She did not make the six month prognosis, and we had to say goodbye in March. And then […]

These Are Not Good Things

After constant debate, I decided that euthanizing Daisy was the only humane decision I could make. I know that mentally, she was not ready, nor was I, which is where I struggled. But I could not do anything to keep her body in sync with her mind, and it was causing her to suffer. So […]


It stormed the other night. Mini hurricane near the Illiana border (which is not a hurricane area, being in the midwest and not really that close to Lake Michigan). It was terrifying driving through it. But I got home, took several deep breaths in the garage, sincerely thankful to be alive and home, and went […]


2017 is heading in a bad direction. 2016 didn’t end much better. For the pets in my family. My sister was supposed to fly in for a visit in November, when her 6 year old cat suddenly crashed. The diagnosis turned out to be colon cancer. Oddly enough, this is what our grandmother died of. […]


I came home from my work’s Christmas party last night with this……anxiety attack. Something was wrong. I went through the events of the day, trying to figure out what I’d done. I couldn’t find anything, but I knew, something was wrong. ‘Knew’. I went to the living room at midnight to maybe watch some TV, […]