These Are Not Good Things

After constant debate, I decided that euthanizing Daisy was the only humane decision I could make. I know that mentally, she was not ready, nor was I, which is where I struggled. But I could not do anything to keep her body in sync with her mind, and it was causing her to suffer. So […]

Stunned Written Silence

Oh. My. Gods (and -esses). I’m writing. On a computer. On. Freakin’. Line. This is monumental and sooooo long in coming. I had to buy a new computer. Stay tuned, I’m enormously behind in everything, and everything is still locked inside my beloved Other computer. -L  


It stormed the other night. Mini hurricane near the Illiana border (which is not a hurricane area, being in the midwest and not really that close to Lake Michigan). It was terrifying driving through it. But I got home, took several deep breaths in the garage, sincerely thankful to be alive and home, and went […]