How My Garden’s Grown

Yay! One project done! (Though anything relating to a garden is never done, I’m learning!) Somewhere last week, while searching for more ways to use my garden, I came across this quote by Theodore Roosevelt: “Do what you can, with what you have, with where you are.” Of course, I can’t find where I found it. […]

What’s a Little Water?

Part Three of after! Here’s my before: The concrete area is pretty well taken care of. However, there’s that area under the tree (Cherry blossom? Embarrasingly, I haven’t devoted any time to looking it up for ID). I threw a bunch of things in the spot under it; you can’t see it well but it’s […]

Here Starts the After!

You remember my before? Here starts the after! I bought a red outdoor carpet at Target. Because it’s red. Surely you have book-clubbed up regarding Red Moonglow on Snow, and realize the importance of the color? I knew you had! 🙂 I found the off-set umbrella at Aldi. Yes, Aldi. For the majority of my life, […]

Well, That Was Before……

      So, this is the back of my rental house: This space became my project this year. Oh, how I miss projects! I was at a home improvement store gathering tools and prices for another project, and the guy helping me complained how they never end. No, the problem is when they do, […]